
Tiny houses

Affordable housing is an issue in the Tasman district. Tiny houses can be a solution to this problem. Unfortunately, the rules are not clear and no clear guidance is given to people who consider living in a tiny house.

Tasman’s 10-year plan

The Tasman District Council is currently working on the draft of the next 10-Year Plan 2024-2034. Community consultation is expected to happen during March and April 2024. Once the consultation document is available for review, we will prepare our submission.

Local Election

Every six years councils need to review their representation structure for local elections. This includes electoral wards in the District, the number of councillors and the role of the community boards. In 2024 the Tasman District Council performs this review ahead of the next local election in 2025. Tasman Democracy already made a submission and is now awaiting the initial draft proposal from the council.

Right of Entry

“The starting point for all powers of entry, inspection and search is the common law right to privacy. The law protects privacy. As an employee of a prosecuting authority, an enforcement officer has no greater right than a person off the street to invade privacy, unless an additional power is given to the officer by statute.” (

It appears there is not a clear common understanding who can enter private property in what situations. We intent to compile some documents to provide guidance when it comes to the right of privacy.

Code of Conduct

Elected members of a local authority (council) have to adopt a Code of Conduct Policy. For member of community boards this is voluntary. We will take a closer look into this topic in the Tasman district.